Our DC Capoeira Malês colleagues are organizing an awesome March trip to Jamaica! Sleeping on the beach under the stars, only steps away from the water, lots of capoeira, good food, good company and good times… Hello! The Caribbean in March? Yes please! All information is on Capoeira Malês DC’s website. Take note of the $50 discount if you register…
As some of you may or may not know a well known Mestre by the name of Jogo de Dentro will be coming to Toronto this week. Events will take place throughout different venues from July 19th – 25th. You are all welcome to participate in any of the events hosted by Capoeira Angola – Center Ori . For further…
SATURDAY, JULY 10 @ 2:00 pm (in front of the Olatunji Drum Stage)

(FIFA matches will be shown live on three BIG screens during Afrofest!)
Grupo Capoeira Malês invites all capoeiristas in Toronto to join us for an OPEN RODA at the 22nd annual Afrofest at Queen’s Park.
As part of Afrofest’s official schedule, we have a SPECIFIED time slot for the roda. Please arrive on time to get the most opportunity for playing! There are performers using the stage area before and after us!
The roda will start with kids and then open up to adults. Capoeristas of all levels and abilities are welcome and encouraged to join us in the spirit of community and exchange.
All capoeiristas are asked to please WEAR FULL WHITES. If you do not have a white uniform from a group, please wear a white top and pants.