805 Dovercourt Rd, Toronto, ON M6H 2X4


Capoeira é ligeiro

Capoeira é ligeiro Capoeira is fast Capoeiristas play at a range of speeds, but one thing is universal: training capoeira improves one’s reflexes. We’ll get back to you before you know it.

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Capoeira sai pras ruas

Capoeira sai pras ruas, Capoeira is going to the streets, a roda vai começar the roda is going to start To truly understand capoeira, it must be experienced live. Though traditionally practiced outdoors, we perform in a range of environments.

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Capoeira é uma arte, capoeira é uma luta

Capoeira é uma arte, capoeira é uma luta Capoeira is an art, capoeira is a fight Capoeira é o ballet que veio lá da bahia Capoeira is a ballet that came from Bahia Capoeira is many things: it combines the excitement and energy of music, dancing, fighting, gravity defying acrobatics and feats of strength and flexibility. It is a 400-year…

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