Register and pay by September 20 and save! See how below. Please join us as we host our 8th annual Toronto & GTA Batizado e Troca de Cordas. ALL capoeiristas from all groups are welcome to participate in part or in full, in any and all rodas and workshops. We welcome you to come and represent your grupo and share…
The downtown academy is pleased to announce that starting in May 2011, we will be training at our new home in the Lower Ossington Theatre, Main Floor studio, at 100A Ossington Ave. between Dundas and Queen. Spring is a time of renewal and change, and we are very excited to be moving to this very dynamic, hip and busy part…
Schedule Wednesday, Nov. 3 – Sidekicks Martial Arts – 2421 New St. in Burlington Open roda at 9:00 PM Thursday, Nov. 4 – Capoeira Malês Academy – 1078 Dovercourt Rd. Workshop/roda 7:30-10:30 PM Friday, Nov. 5 – Capoeira Malês Academy – 1078 Dovercourt Rd. Workshop/roda 7:30-10:30 PM Sat. Nov. 6 – Davenport-Perth Community Centre – 1900 Davenport Rd. Workshop 10:30…
Last week was the monthly music class and if you too found yourself staring at people’s mouths to make out the chorus to certain songs don’t worry, you’re not alone. Below you will find a few of those songs with a translation and also a link to their youtube video. It’s a great way to listen to the melody and read the lyrics at the same time.
Falou Berimbau
Falou, falou da escravidão, falou,
falou, falou da opressão, falou,
falou, la nos tempos de bimba, falou,
falou, hoje se escutou…
Upon reading a book titled “Zen in the Martial Arts” by Byjoe Hyams, I came across lots of reminders, and refreshing new perspectives which I perhaps had incorporated into my life, yet somehow not in capoeira. Throughout the following weeks an attempt will be made to share some of these with you. The first I’d like to present is one which I myself am guilty of, and see a lot inside capoeira as well as outside.
A few weeks ago playing in the roda I received a nice rasteira and immediately fell to the ground. The first emotion which came up was anger. Every movement thereafter was meshed with anger and the want to hurt my opponent. Nothing else mattered, my game got ugly and absolutely nothing was accomplished by such reactions.
Welcome everyone to the launching of our brand spanking new site, but our new look doesn’t stop here. We have decided to carry it through to our academy as well. Come by and witness the change from outdated to a contemporary, fresh look. Bookmark us to easily check for any updates, events, workshops or upcoming festivals. Enjoy the sun!