805 Dovercourt Rd, Toronto, ON M6H 2X4

Registration for 2011 Batizado

Register and pay by September 20 and save!
See how below

Please join us as we host our 8th annual Toronto & GTA Batizado e Troca de Cordas.

ALL capoeiristas from all groups are welcome to participate in part or in full, in any and all rodas and workshops. We welcome you to come and represent your grupo and share your experience with us so we may continue to learn and grow as a community.

Confirmed Teachers (more to come)

Mestre Curisco
Mestre Peninha
Contra Mestre Lua
Contra Mestre Carcara
Professor Budoy
Professor Leitao
Professor Lampreia
Professor Kmelo
Instrutora Guerreira
Instrutor Falcao
Instrutora Pantera
Instrutor Morcego
Instrutor Ninja
Instrutor Camarao
Instrutor Pirata
Instrutora Formiguinha
Instrutor Soquete
Instrutor Desenho


Thursday, Sept 29
Workshops & roda 19:00 – 23:00hrs
Location: 100A Ossington Ave., Main Floor

Friday Sept 30
Workshops & roda 19:00 – 23:00hrs
Location: 100A Ossington Ave., Main Floor

Saturday, October 1
Workshop: 10:30 – 12:00
Batizado and rodas: 2:00-6:00
Location: Davenport-Perth Community Centre. 1900 Davenport Rd.

Registration and payment

Fill out the information below, cut and paste into an email and send to: info@capoeiraschool.ca. Once your form has been received, you will receive an invoice to pay your fees online.

Washington DC folk may also pay in cash or by check. Payments can be made in person to Alegria at your batizado.

Don’t miss it!

Full name:
Capoeira nickname:
Email address:
Housing for (please indicate Thurs/Fri/Sat):
Flight information (if applicable)*:
T-shirt size** (please indicate):
Men’s S/M/L/XL
Women’s S/M/L

Paying for:
(before Sept. 20)
1 day: $40
2 days: $60
3 days: $85

(after Sept. 20)
1 day: $50
2 days: $75
3 days: $100

* Students will not be picked up at Buffalo Airport, unless you are making arrangements directly with Macaco
** We will do our best to get the size you request but cannot guarantee it. The sooner you register, the better chance there is. Women’s shirts run quite small. S is more of an XS